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Dear friends,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Piraeus’ Sea Days, this big celebration which is taking place for the tenth consecutive year in our city. It has been solidly established as a major festival and is constantly evolving and enrichened with wider extroversion every year, comprising a series of events which attract visitors from all over Attica.


Several free-of-charge activities and events for both children and adults with Piraeus’ sea as their reference and focal point are taking place in our city, aiming to promote our city’s culture, history, sports, comparative advantages, the opportunities being provided by the sea towards Piraeus’ further development and most importantly its modern identity.


Sea Days is a celebration which is embraced and supported by our city’s bodies, associations and locals through their active and enthusiastic participation and I wholeheartedly thank them for this. It is a joint effort, an exciting route of cooperation, participation and extroversion for Piraeus leading to multi-lateral excelling and creation.


This year we have chosen to set our city’s mood for welcoming and embracing Sea Days 2024 by decorating our city with words which are inextricably linked to Piraeus and describe everything we would like both locals and visitors to feel during the Sea Days’ festival: Sea, Travelling, Enthusiasm (Meraki), Company, Love, Smile, Cheerfulness (Kefi).


From the 24rd of May to the 2th of June the heart of celebration and entertainment beats in Piraeus and we will all be there to have a wonderful time and honour our city’s history, culture and beautiful features. We are waiting for all of you in Piraeus!

Giannis Moralis

Mayor of Piraeus

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